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Отображаются публикации с наибольшей репутацией на 24.10.2014 в Комментарии блога

  1. 1 балл
  2. 1 балл
    Тропарь и кондак преп.Амвросию на английском языке: ))) Troparion in Tone 5: We run to thee O Ambrose, our Father * as to a healing spring. * For thou dost truly instruct us on the path of salvation, * preserving us from misfortune and calamity by thy prayers, * consoling us in sorrows of body and soul, * teaching above all by humility, patience and love. * Pray to Christ, the Lover of mankind, and to our Fervent Intercessor * that our souls may be saved. Kontakion in Tone 3: Having fulfilled the precepts of the Shepherd of shepherds, * thou didst inherit the grace of eldership, * having pity of all who run ot thee with faith. * Therefore we, thy children, cry out to thee with love: * Holy Father Ambrose, pray to Christ God that He would save our souls.
  3. 1 балл
  4. 1 балл
  5. 1 балл
    Дорогие, Оли, спаси вас Господь!)
  6. 1 балл
    С праздником!!!! Преподобне отче наш Амвросие, моли Бога о нас!!!!!
  7. 1 балл
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